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ERLB - Ukraine

Institutions Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University, Mechnikov Scientific Research Anti-plague Institute
Geographic coverage National Covered countries1
Integrated data sources0 Node purpose Research bodies, NGOs, Governmental

a) Outgoing data streams 3

1) Streaming dataset

Bird population size (max and min)
Data typeAggregated
FormatStatistical parameter
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Birds
Target species All/not reported
Spatial scaleNational
European Red List of birds (ERLB) - Birdlife

2) Streaming dataset

bird presence
Data typeRaw
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Birds
Target species All/not reported
Spatial scaleUnknown
European Red List of birds (ERLB) - Birdlife

3) Streaming dataset

Bird trends
Data typeIndicator
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Birds
Target species All/not reported
Spatial scaleNational
European Red List of birds (ERLB) - Birdlife

b) Integrating data from lower integration nodes 0

b.1.) Data stream summary

Data type Format Method Frequency Spatial scale Total count List data_streams

b.2.) Linked integration nodes

c) Linked biodiversity data initiatives 1

ERLB - Ukraine - bird data
Data typeAbundance
Target taxa Birds
Target species Missing species matching
Spatial scale