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Cetacean Offshore Distribution and Abundance in the European Atlantic (CODA) - University of St. Andrews

Institutions University of St. Andrews
Geographic coverage Biogeographic region Covered countries0
Biogeographic region (North-east Atlantic Ocean)
Integrated data sources0 Node purpose Research bodies

a) Outgoing data streams 4

1) Product

Species abundance
Data typeEBV
FormatStatistical parameter
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Mammals
Target species 11
Spatial scaleOther

2) Product

Species abundance (map)
Data typeEBV
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Mammals
Target species 9
Spatial scaleOther

3) Product

Species distribution (map)
Data typeEBV
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Mammals
Target species 8
Spatial scaleExact location

4) Streaming dataset

CODA species data
Data typeRaw
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Mammals
Target species All/not reported
Spatial scaleExact location
Abundance and distribution of marine mammals (ADMM) - OSPAR

b) Integrating data from lower integration nodes 0

b.1.) Data stream summary

Data type Format Method Frequency Spatial scale Total count List data_streams

b.2.) Linked integration nodes

c) Linked biodiversity data initiatives 2

CODA - ship surveys
Data typeAbundance
Target taxa Mammals
Target species Missing species matching
Spatial scale
CODA - Acoustic surveys
Data typeAbundance
Target taxa Mammals
Target species Missing species matching
Spatial scale