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NFI - Germany - Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (TI)

Institutions Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (TI)
Geographic coverage National Covered countries1
Integrated data sources0 Node purpose Governmental

a) Outgoing data streams 2

1) Streaming dataset

Forest inventory harmoized data
Data typeEBV
Frequency6-10 years
Target taxa Plants
Target species 78
Spatial scaleNational
Forest Information System for europe (FISE) - JRC

2) Streaming dataset

German National Forest Inventory
Data typeAggregated
FormatStatistical parameter
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Plants, Plant community
Target species All/not reported
Spatial scaleNational
EFISCEN (European Forest Information SCENario Model) - EFI

b) Integrating data from lower integration nodes 0

b.1.) Data stream summary

Data type Format Method Frequency Spatial scale Total count List data_streams

b.2.) Linked integration nodes

c) Linked biodiversity data initiatives 1

National Forest Inventory - Germany
Data typeForest inventory
Target taxa Plants
Target species Missing species matching
Spatial scale