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Forest Information System for europe (FISE) - JRC

Institutions Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Geographic coverage Europe Covered countries37
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey
Integrated data sources30 Node purpose Research bodies, Governmental

a) Outgoing data streams 1

1) Product

European atlas of forest tree species
Data typeEBV
Frequency>10 years
Target taxa Plants
Target species 78
Spatial scaleEurope

b) Integrating data from lower integration nodes 30

b.1.) Data stream summary

Data type Format Method Frequency Spatial scale Total count List data_streams
EBV Others None 6-10 years National 30 Show data_streams

b.2.) Linked integration nodes

Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Austria
  • national Forest Inventory Austria

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Austria
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory- Belgium -Wallonia
  • Forest Inventory Data from Flanders and Wallonie

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleSubnational
    National Forest Inventory- Belgium -Wallonia
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Croatia
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Czech Republic
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Denmark
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Estonia
  • National Forest Inventory - Estonia

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Estonia
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory- Finland
  • Finnish National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory- Finland
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - France
  • National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - France
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Germany
  • German National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Germany
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Greece
Data streams 2
  • Hungarian National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Hungary
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Hungary
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Iceland
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Ireland
  • Irish National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Ireland
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Italy
  • National Forest Inventory Italy

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Italy
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Latvia
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Lithuania
  • Lihuaninan forest inventory data

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Lithuania
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Netherlands
  • Dutch Forestry Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Netherlands
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - North Macedonia
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Norway
  • Norwegian National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Norway
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Poland
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Portugal
  • NFI of Portugal - 3rd revision

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Portugal
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Romania
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Serbia
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory -Slovakia
  • National Forest Inventory Slovakia

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory -Slovakia
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory -Slovenia
  • NFI - Slovenia

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory -Slovenia
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Spain
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Sweden
  • SLU national Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Sweden
Data streams 2
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Switzerland
  • Swiss National Forest Inventory

    Data typeAggregated
    FormatStatistical parameter
    Frequency>10 years
    Target taxa Plants, Plant community
    Target species All/not reported
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Switzerland
Data streams 1
  • Forest inventory harmoized data

    Data typeEBV
    Frequency6-10 years
    Target taxa Plants
    Target species 78
    Spatial scaleNational
    National Forest Inventory - Ukraine