Adger Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation, and Geology (LUNG, Germany)
Albanian National Environmental Agency
Albanian Ornithological Society
Albanian Society for the Protection of Birds and Mammals (ASPBM)
All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Protection
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Andorra Research and Innovation
AquaBiota Water Research
Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds (ASPB)
Asociación Española para la Protección de las Mariposas y su Medio -ZERYNTHIA
Association BIOM
Association for the Defense of Nature (ADN)
Associazione FaunaViva
Austrian Coordination Centre for Bat Conservation and Research (KFFÖ)
Austrian Coordination Centre for Bat Conservation and Research (KFFOE)
Austrian Research Center for Forests
Aves - Natagora
Aves - Raînnne
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Azerbaijan Ornithological Society
Banque de Données Fauniques de Gembloux et Mons (BDFGM)
Bat Conservation Trust (BCT)
Bat Life Austria
Bavarian Environment Agency
Bees, Wasps & Ants Recording Society (BWARS)
Belarus Bird Ringing Centre (BBRC)
Bergen Museum
BFKH (former FÖMI)
Biodiversity Division of the National Nature Protection Service Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Water (Bulgaria)
Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland
Bioforsk Nord
Biota Ecological Society
BirdLife Austria
Birdlife Belarus
BirdLife Cyprus
BirdLife Finland
Birdlife International
BirdLife Malta
BirdLife Turkey (DOGA)
BirdLinks Armenia
Bird Ringing Centre, National Museum of Praga (Czech Republic)
Bird Ringing Centre (Russia)
BirdWatch Ireland
Bosnia & Herzegovina Ornithological Society Nase Ptice
Bosnia & Herzegovina Sava River Watershed Agency
Bosnia & Herzegovina Society for Research and Protection of Biodiversity
Botanical Museum (University of Oulu)
Botanical-Zoological Society of Liechtenstein
BPSSS Birdlife Serbia
British Trust for Ornithology
Bulgarian Executive Environment Agency (BEEA)
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds - Birdlife Bulgaria
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB)
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)
Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy
Butterfly Conservation
Butterfly Conservation Europe
Butterfly Protection Society (SOM)
Catalan Ornithological Institute (ICO)
Celal Bayar University Science and Art Faculty
Central Government Real Estate Agency (Netherlands)
Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation
Centre de Recherche de la Nature, des Forêts et du Bois (Ministère de la Région wallonne - Direction Générale des Ressources naturelles et de l’Environnement)
Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora
Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora (CKFF)
Centre for Protection and Research of Birds of Montenegro
Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (CSCF)
Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici
Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG) - Spain
Charles University in Prague
Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (Poland)
China National Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Association (CNAWCA)
Climpact Data Science
Conservation International
Coordination Centre for Bat Conservation in Thuringia (FmKoo)
Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)
County Governor of Buskerud
County Governor of Hordaland
Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature
Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy
Croatian Natural History Museum
Croatian Society for Protection of Birds and Nature
Croatian Waters / Hrvatske vode
Cyprus University of Technology
Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA)
Czech Society for Butterfly and Moth Conservation (= SOM)
Czech Society for Ornithology
Czech University of Life Sciences
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Danube Delta Institute (DDNI) - Romania
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marines
Department of Biosciences (Institute for biovitenskap) IBV
Department of Ecology at the University of Innsbruck
Department of Environment, Land Management, Nature and Forests, Gembloux Agricultural University
Department of Environment, Land Management, Nature and Forests. Gembloux Agricultural University
Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (Cyprus)
Department of Forest Management Planning and Forest Economics, Luxembourg
Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, Turin University
Direçao Geral do Territorio (DGT) - Portugal
DOF Birdlife Denmark
Dokuz Eylul University
DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia
D.R.E.A.M. Italia
Društvo za Proučevanje in Ohranjanje Metuljev Slovenije
Duke University
Dutch Butterfly Conservation
Dutch Centre for Avian Migration and Demography (Vogeltrekstation)
Dutch Mammal Society (DMS)
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat
EBN Italia
Ecological Association Eko Viciana
Ecological Centre of Ulyanovsk Region
Ege University
EIS Foundation
EIS knowledge centre on insects
EMODnet Biology - European Marine Observation and Data Network
Environment Agency Austria
Environmental Agency of Iceland
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ESA - European space agency
Estonian Environment Agency
Estonian Forest Survey Centre
Estonian Ornithological Society, BirdLife Estonia
Estonian Research Information System
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Zoology and Botany
European and Mediterranean Plan Protection Organization (EPPO)
European Commission (EC)
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
European Environment Agency (EEA)
European Forest Institute (EFI)
European Mammal Foundation (EMF)
European Meteorological Services Network (EUMETNET)
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)
European Topic Centre on Urban, Land and Soil Systems (ETC-ULS)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences
Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape, BFW
Federation of German Avifaunists
Finish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Finland's environmental administration
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
Finnish Museum of Natural History (FMNH)
Flanders Environment Agency
Flugavernd Birdlife Iceland
Forest Managing Institute, Czech Republic
Forestry and Managment of Natural Environment (Greece)
Forestry Commission
Forestry Commission, UK
Forestry Department, Ministry for Forestry, Belarus
Forestry Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Croatia
Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia - CTFC
Foundation for Biodiversity Research (Poland)
French Ministry for ecological transition (MTE)
French National Hunting and Wildlife Agency (ONCFS)
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER)
GBIF Secretariat, Copenhagen, Denmark
Geodetic Institute of Slovenia
Geological Survey of Montenegro
Georgian Ringing Scheme
German Oceanographic Museum, Stralsund
German Society for the Conservation of Butterflies and Moths
GIS-Centras – National Center for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics (Latvia)
Government of Catalonia
Government of Liechtenstein
Grampian Ringing Group
Greece Forest Research Institute
Helgeland Museum
Hellenic Bird Ringing Centre
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Special Secretariat for Water
Hellenic Ornithological Society
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)
Hungarian General Directorate of Water Management (OVF)
Hungarian Lepidopterist Society - Szalkay József Magyar Lepkészeti Egyesület
Hungarian Toad Action Group Association
Hungaria State Forest Service
Icelandic Forest Service (IFS)
Icelandic Institute of Natural History
IIASA Forest Study
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics of the University of Amsterdam
Institute for Game and Wildlife Research - IREC
Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research (ITAW)
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (Bulgaria)
Institute of Biology Bucharest
Institute of Biology (Macedonia)
Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)
Institute of Marine Research Bergen
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia
Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Ornithology (Croatian Academy of Sciences)
Institute of Research and Management for Environment, Forest, Pasture and Exploitation of Wood, Albania
Institute of Zoology (Academy of Sciences of Moldova)
Institute of Zoology (Ilia State University)
Institute of Zoology (Kazakstan)
Institute of Zoology NAS Armenia
Institute of Zoology (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
Institut für Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten Halle (Saale)
Institut für Vogelforschung
Institut Géographique National (Belgique)
Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN)
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF)
Institut of Forest Ecosystem Research
Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) - Spain
Instituto Geográfico Portugués (IGP)
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Instytut Ochrony Przyrod
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
International Institute for Aplied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Ireland National Parks and Wildlife Service
Irish Environmental Protection Agency
ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale
Istanbul Birdwatching Society
Istanbul University
Ivan Franko Lviv National University
James Hutton Institute
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (TI)
Joint Nature Conservation Comittee (JNCC)
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
Joint Nature Conservation Committee UK
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM)
KARCH (“Koordinationsstelle für Amphibien- und Reptilienschutz in der Schweiz)
KARCH (Koordinationsstelle für Amphibien- und Reptilienschutz in der Schweiz)
Kazan Federal University
Klaipeda University
Kolmardens Djurpak
Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology
Konstanz University
Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency
Kuzeydoga Society
Laboratory of Computational Ecology - IMPB RAS - Branch of the M.V. Keldysh IAM RAS (Russia)
LabOr - Laboratório de Ornitologia da Universidade de Évora
Lantmäteriet (Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority)
Latvian Fund for Nature
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Latvian Ornithological Society
Latvian State Forestry Research Institute (Silava)
Liechtenstein National Ornithological Association
Liechtenstein Office for the Environment (AU)
Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux
LIPU Birdlife Italy
Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency
LOD Birdlife Lithuania
Louxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Lund University
Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development - Water Management Agency
Macedonian Ecological Society
Macedonian Museum of Natural History
Macedonian Owl Trust
Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA)
Maltese Environment and Resources Authority
Mammal Research Institute Bialowieza (MRI)
Mandate of
Marine Biological Association (MBA)
Martin Luther University
Masaryk University
Matsalu Bird Ringing Centre
Maurice Kottelat (NO INSTITUTION)
Max Plank Institute
Mechnikov Scientific Research Anti-plague Institute
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
MILVUS group
Ministère de la Transition écologique (France)
Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable (Luxemburg)
Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (Turkey)
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
MME BirdLife Hungary
Montenegrin Ecological Society
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers
Museum and Institute of Zoology of Poland
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (France)
Museum Stavanger (Norway)
National Biodiversity Data Centre
National Biodiversity Data Centre (Ireland)
National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC)
National Forest and Nature Agency, Denmark
National Forest Centre
National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU)
National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry "Marin Dracea"
National Land Survey of Iceland (NLSI)
National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg
National Museum of Natural History Sofia
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Park Galicica
Natural History Museum in Belgrade
Natural History Museum of Crete
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Natural History Museum of Montenegro
Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Nature and Environment Protection Agency of Montenegro (NEPA)
Nature Conservancy Council (NCC)
Nature Conservation Association Aquila Macedonia
Nature Foundation
natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l. (BirdLife Luxembourg)
Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)
Nature Research Society
Natuurpunt Birdlife Flanders
NGO FINCH for the protection of birds Kosovo
None, individual authors
Nord-Trondelag University College
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO)
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Alien species (NOBANIS)
Norwegian Environment Agency
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Norwegian Ornithological Society/BirdLife Norway
Norwegian Polar Institute
Norwegian Species information Centre (NSIC)
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Ohio State University
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
Ondokuz Mayis University
Oslo & Akershus Ringing Group
OSPAR Commision
OTOP/BirdLife Poland (The Polish Society for the Protection of Birds)
Picardie Jules Verne University
Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK (PML)
Plymouth Marine Observatory (UK)
Pro Mare MTÜ
Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning Construction and Environmental Protection
PSOVI Environmental Association (Georgia)
RAVON (Reptile, Amphibian and Fish Research Nederlands)
Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre
Republic of Estonia Environmental Agency
Research and Technology Centre Westcoast (Germany) - Kiel university facility
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Romanian National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”
ROS Birdlife Romania
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Russian Bat Research Group
Russian Bird Conservation Union
Russian Society for Conservation and Study of Birds
Russian State Agrarian University
SABUKO Birdlife Georgia
Sapienza University of Rome
Särkänniemi Adventure Park
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources
Scientific and Practical Centre for Bioresources National Academy of Sciences and BirdLife Belarus
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Serbian Environmental Protection Agency
Service public de Wallonie
Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group
Slovak Bat Conservation Society
Slovak Environment Agency (SEA)
Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia
Slovene Museum of Natural History
Slovenian Environment Agency
Slovenian Forest Institute
Snow and Mountain Research Center of Andorra
Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi
Societas Europaea Herpetologica
Societas Herpetologica Italica
Société herpétologique de France (SHF)
Society for Birds and Nature Protection
Society for the Protection of Prespa
Southern Federal University Russia
Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute
Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology)
Spanish Government
Spanish Herpetological Society
Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
SPEA Birdlife Portugal
State Forest Service of Lithuania, National Forest Inventory Department (NFI)
State Information-Analytical Center of Game Animals and Habitats (Russia)
State Institute for Nature Protection Croatia
State Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine
State Nature Inspectorate Norway
Statistics Netherlands
Stichting Probos
St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
SURFsara Computing & Networking Services
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Swedish Species Information Centre (SLU)
Swedish Species Information Centre (SSIC)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Swiss Ornithological Institute
Systèmes d'Information à Référence Spatiale (SIRS)
tagis - Butterfly Conservation Center
Technical University of Denmark Department of Health Technology
The Channel Islands Bird Ringing Scheme
The Conservation and Development Union for Izmir Bird Paradise
The Marine Mammal Center
The Natural History Museum Vienna
The North Cyprus Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature (KUSKOR)
The Open University (UK)
The Portuguese Environment Agency
Turkish Bird Records Committee
Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Water Management
Turkish Ministry of Forest and Water Affairs
Turku University of Applied Sciences
UK Centre for ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH)
Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration
Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds
Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
UNESCO International Oceanographic Data and Information (IODE) programme
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad de Malaga
Universidade de Lisboa
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universita degli Studi di Molise
University of Aarhus Denmark
University of Aegean
University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland)
University of Barcelona
University of Bayreuth
University of Belgrade
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Chair for Forest Management Planning
University of Belgrade, Institute of Geodsy (Serbia)
University of Bergen
University of Bologna
University of Bolyai (Romania)
University of Brasow (Romania)
University of Bremen
University of Bucharest
University of California San Diego (UCSD)
University of Catania
University of Clermont Auvergne
University of Copenhagen, Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management (UCPH-IGN)
University of Eastern Finland
University of Évora
University of Forestry, Bulgaria
University of Gdansk (Poland)
University of Gent
University of Gottingen
University of Hamburg
University of Kiel
University of Latvia
University of Leicester
University of Liege
University of Limerick
University of Mons (UMONS)
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
University of Novi Sad
University of Nyíregyháza
University of Patras
University of Pecs (Hungary)
University of Perugia
University of Radboud (Netherlands)
University of Reading
University of Roma Tre
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science (PAM)
University of Sassari (UNISS)
University of Shkoder - Albania
University of St. Andrews
University of Sussex
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
University of Turin (UNITO)
University of Umea Sweden
University of Warsaw, Dept. of Ecology
University of Western Greece
University of West Hungary
University of Wroclaw (Poland)
University of Zagreb
University Ovidius Constanţa, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences, Romania
University Rostock
University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" (UKIM), Skopje
University Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry
Unversity Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry
Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the NAS of Belarus
Vogelbescherming Nederland - Birdlife Netherlands
Vogelwarte (Switzerland)
Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra)
Wageningen University
Wetlands International
Wildfowl & Wetland Trust (WWT)
World Sturgeon Conservation Society (WSCS)
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WWF Greece
WWF-Turkey and Hacettepe University
Zoological-Botanical Society of Liechstenstein
Zoological Museum (Finish Museum of Natural History)
Zoological Museum (Lithuania)
Zoological Museum of Moscow State University
Zoological Society of London
ZRC SAZU (Slovenia)