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Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group (SOTEAG)

Institutions Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group
Geographic coverage Subnational Covered countries0
Subnational (Sullom Voe Special Area of Conservation, Scotland)
Integrated data sources0 Node purpose NGOs, Company bodies, Governmental

a) Outgoing data streams 1

1) Product

SOTEAG Rocky Shore and Seabird Survey
Data typeRaw
Target taxa Birds, Invertebrates, Phytobenthos
Target species All/not reported
Spatial scaleSubnational

b) Integrating data from lower integration nodes 0

b.1.) Data stream summary

Data type Format Method Frequency Spatial scale Total count List data_streams

b.2.) Linked integration nodes

c) Linked biodiversity data initiatives 2

SOTEAG Rocky Shore Survey
Data typeAbundance
Target taxa Invertebrates, Phytobenthos
Target species Missing species matching
Spatial scale
SOTEAG Seabird Survey
Data typeAbundance
Target taxa Birds
Target species Missing species matching
Spatial scale