Integration node - modify

Tab created: 2022-12-07

Name of the integration activity/initiative. If you are naming a European-level node, we suggest you combine “integration initiative name” – “name of the institution” (e.g. EBBA 2 – EBCC); If you are naming a sub-European-level node, we suggest you combine “integration initiative” – “country/region” - “name of the institution” (e.g. EBBA 2 – Spain – SEO/Birdlife”)
Who coordinates the node? (institution/s; this can match the promoter or not),Multiple institutions are allowed.

Geographical coverage

At what scale is the node integrating data? (e.g. EU, Biogeographic Region)
Select the countries covered by this integration activity
Is the data representative for the whole country? If the answer is yes, stop here. If the answer is NO, and the monitoring sites are concentrated in a particular region, please, select the corresponding NUTS level region
If the biodiversity data/initiative has a subnational coverage or is not representative in whole country for national coverage, select first the corresponding country ("Nuts country" field) and then the NUT levels 1-2-3 covered (multiple choice allowed). If you don´t find the relevant the NUTS region/s in the provided list, please use the field "Geographic coverage" to give further details of the coverage of the biodiversity data/initiative.
Further details of the geographic scope. For example, if integration occurs at the Biogeographic region level, indicate here the specific regions (e.g. Mediterranean)
Add here the link to the website with infor about the integration activity. Leave empty if unavailable.
Brief description of the Integration Node (which institution is running the integration activity and what does it do exactly?). Add any relevant information including URL links to the institution, the integration activity or relevant documents or bibliographic references.








What is the nature of the data integration node?

Linked biodiversity data iniciatives

If the integration node collects and process raw data from monitoring programs, select here the BiodiversityData programs feeding this integration node.If this form contains information of an upper-level integration node (e.g. European-level node), ignore this field (the links between the European-level node and the BiodiversityData are generally indirect, through sub-European integration nodes). Remember to create the “BiodiversityData” forms to be able to fill this field.